Thursday, April 02, 2009

Growing--or not?

This morning, as I was sitting on my bed doing my devotions, all of a sudden a thought struck me: How can I know if I'm even growing spiritually? Obviously, a person who is maturing in their walk is growing, but then again, What determines spiritual maturity? I mean, a lot of the spiritual walk is so "unseen" (meaning so much of it involves the heart and not simply "cut-and-dried" steps along the journey of life, if that makes any sense). To walk hand-in-hand with the Lord throughout each day and grow closer to Him differs a lot from building a relationship with a friend face-to-face! It is hard, and sometimes, it is difficult to even determine if this relationship with the most important Person in my life is even making progress!

So, with that thought in mind, I am kind of hoping to start a personal list of the different characteristics of a growing Christian that I find as I read the Bible. Even today, while reading in Psalms, I read Psalm 122:1, which I think gives a good clue to one of the first things that should be happening in the life of a person who is growing in Christ: "I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord."(KJV) How basic can it get? If I don't even have a desire to go to church, well then, that is probably a good sign that there isn't any growth taking place in my life!

In Him,

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