Tuesday, July 26, 2011

. . .and the [unwelcome] countdown is coming close to an end:

8 days left with family and friends in this land that I call home.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Jesus Loves the Little Children

This past week I had the opportunity of participate in the VBS here. About fifty kids came each day--some of them were from Christian families, but many of them were not. They learned about the life of Moses and the Gospel was shared. Pray for these kids to respond to what they learned throughout the week!

Venicius with the devotional book he won for memorizing all of the verses. He was one of the kids who seemed to always be disrupting class, but when he got the book, he was looking through it very intently.

A few of the kids while they waited for VBS to start...

Game time

Vitória--isn't she cute?

Prize-time with Charliane!

"Pick me, pick me!"

Jaime sharing the Gospel. No decisions were made, as far as I know, but God's Word still went out.

Waiting to say their verses...

Carla, still working on her verse.

Sometimes simply showing you care makes the biggest impact.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


The One Who fed Elijah with the ravens,
Who made the ax-head to float,
Who brought about a miraculous multiplication of the widow's oil,
Who heard Hannah's prayer,
Who calmed the raging waves of the sea, and
Who fed the five thousand,
is the One who cares even for the little birds of the air, and of Whom is it declared that "He cares for you."

It is He who is "the same yesterday, and today , and forever." The God who brought about such events in the lives of those in the Bible is the same God today--testimony after testimony declare His faithfulness throughout the ages. I personally have experienced His faithfulness and tender care. Why did I allow myself to doubt and wonder even just a little bit? He is immutable.

Once again, God today reminded me in a small, yet very definite way that even in the little things, He sees me and cares for me. I can trust Him, for He is almighty, unchangeable God. Yes, at the very moment of His reminding me of this fundamental truth, the song "Almighty, Unchangeable God" was playing... I don't think it was a coincidence.

In case you have not discovered this for yourself, we have an awesome God!

Moments from Priscilla School, Part 2

Ummm... this picture doesn't begin to do justice to how beautiful the moon was the last night of Priscilla School!

Of course, it's always better when there's food! :)

Silver Lake Bible Camp

I love this spot... :)

Helena and Melissa: Free time couldn't be better spent than swinging in the hammock and talking!

Girl-time--Nayanie, Magna, and Adriana (one of the teachers and also an ABI graduate)

Good-bye camp...

My favorite little sister!

Before the rest of the world woke up:
There nothing quite like getting up early and spending time with God at "my spot"when it is just me, God, my Bible and journal, and the birds. :)

Yuri, Adriana and Germano's son: one of the two cute guys running around camp all week...

...and here's the other one: Mikaias, Wellington and Lidia's son.

Nayanie and Melissa...

Cramming the last three years into two months...

God is good.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Priscilla School

Before leaving Brazil in 2008, I had the privilege of completing the first level of Priscilla School, which is for girls and ladies who are involved with teaching Sunday School and other such programs in the local church. While the main focus is that of learning how to teach, classes such as an overview of books of the Bible and a brief introduction to Bible doctrines are among the various other topics that are covered during this nine-year-long course.

This past week was Priscilla School at Silver Lake Bible Camp, and I was asked to help with the music session in the evening, which was a new experience for me.

Here are a few pictures to document the week:

Everyone together, working on a song.

Leila with the finished product after some rather frustrating moments with the yarn: a Wordless Book "glove"

Working on the Wordless Book glove

Uh-hem...the music teacher attempting to teach a little bit of music theory

Dona Isabel, one of the teachers, who also finished all nine years of Priscilla School

I enjoyed visiting with Rachel a little bit...she is very sweet and pleasant.

Dona Seloni, our cook for the week!

The first-level students in "Evangelizing Children" class.

The final level students studying Major Prophets with Wellington, an Antioch Bible Institute graduate.

The evening session was everyone all together with Lidia, Wellington's wife, sharing about spiritual gifts.

Janielly and Leila--homework time!

Rayla working on homework for Bible study methods... She was the one who asked me one evening whether the US had a sun or not. I'll let you figure out why she would ask such a question...

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Simple, yet difficult

Proverbs 9:10
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom:
and the knowledge of the holy is understanding."

It seems as if life is constantly about understanding concerning this situation or seeking wisdom for that decision which we must make at some point or another. When it comes to acquiring wisdom and understanding for life, the recipe, if it could be called such, can't get much more specific than this verse!

(In thinking about how clear-cut this verse makes it [which is how I like things!] and then wondering why it seems so difficult in my own life, I believe the challenge, personally, comes not in having the mental knowledge of what is required for the end result of wisdom and understanding, but rather in the actual acquiring of the very "ingredients"--the fear of the Lord and the knowledge of the Holy! Once again, I am forced to come back to the fact that life revolves around God and knowing Him!)

Thursday, July 07, 2011

"Knowing You, Jesus, knowing You
There is no greater thing
You're my All
You're the best
You're my Joy,
my righteousness
And I love You Lord."

Life is all about Him--knowing Him and making Him known. Without Christ at the center of it all, life is worthless and in vain.