Thursday, March 19, 2009

For the last few months--since the beginning of January, to be precise--I've been going through the book Lord, I want to Know You by Kay Arthur, a devotional on the names of God. After studying the names of God during EXCEL last Fall, I guess I've really been intrigued and facinated with the names of God and the amazing facets they reveal about Him, His character, and simply Who He is!

Earlier today, I heard some disturbing news (to me), and, as I often do, I allowed it to go around and around in my head throughout the day. Well, right before I started my devotions, I specifically prayed and asked God to speak to my heart and give me peace through His Word. So, it was very exciting for me to then, after reading some passages in Scripture, open up the devotional book and realize that the very name I was studying was Jehovah-shalom, or the Lord is peace! While I'm still somewhat troubled in my heart, my heart has, without a doubt, been uplifted and encouraged after being reminded that our God is the Author and Giver of peace! Perhaps though, something even more encouraging is how God works to answer prayer--sometimes even immediately!

"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Let your
forbearing spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious
for nothing, but in everythig by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let
your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses
all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:4-7


On another note, today my family and I had the privilege of having some former missionaries, Uncle Gerald and Aunt Amy Bergen over for dinner (or lunch, for some of you!). They went to Brazil last Fall to minister at the Bible Institute where my dad teaches. It was wonderful to hear about their time there and to catch up on everything! In fact, we even got to see some pictures! Here are a few (thank you Uncle Gerald!):

Uncle Gerald and Aunt Amy (the older couple) with a family that works with us. While they were in Brazil, they stayed in our house, and this picture was taken in our front yard.
The camp my parents ran for eight years and where I spent a lot of my childhood.

It was fun to see this picture of Kitana, our cat! Isn't she cute? :)

While this isn't all that great of a picture, these are most of the students at the Bible Institute. It was soo good to see these familiar faces!

Finally, here's the view that I used to have straight out from one of the windows of my room back in Brazil. I know, I know, it's not that interesting, but it is kind of sentimental. . . :) Oh, and one more thing: if you're at all interested, look closely and you can kind of see some cashew fruit hanging on the tree.

Hope I didn't bore you. . .


Hannah Ruth said...

I'm sure you still miss Brazil, even though you're getting used to living in the U.S. Do you think you'll go back to Brazil again any time in the near future --- like for a visit or something?

Angie Stanley said...

Well, for now, I'll be living here in the US for a while (to go to school) so I don't know when the next time will be that I'll go back. . .:( Hopefully it won't be too long before I visit!