Monday, June 09, 2008

From Medora, Kansas

To say the least, the last few weeks have been very busy. At the time of my last post, I was headed to Nashville for a Bible conference. That week has come and gone, along with many other things. However, let me share a little of what the last few weeks have been like for me!

Although the conference only began on Tuesday night, the 27th, I had to attend a leadership meeting for the girls' sessions that I would be helping with. There were about 15-20 (I'm not sure how many!) other girls who were also leaders. It was very touching to go around the room and have each one share a "high" or a "low" in her life, with the other responding to that specific situation. This time of sharing helped to give a feeling of unity and oneness amongst the group.

Probably one of the best sessions of the entire week was on Wednesday afternoon, a session for just the teens/college-age students. Several young people got up and gave a testimony of how God had been working in their lives. While it would take too much time and room to write all about each of them, it was very challenging to hear these young people share how God had transformed their lives, and challenged them in specific area of their lives. I was especially challenged with the testimony of one guy, David, who shared how God had called his family to the missionfield, then allowed David's brother to die while they were there. David then ended with a phrase that is true for everyone one of us: "A passion worth dying for is the only passion worth living for." How true! If you really stop to think about it, if your life passion and goals aren't worth dying for, then they probably aren't worth even living for!

So where are we living? Well, one of our churches, Medora Community Bible Church, has provided a house for us! My family and I are sooo thankful for their generosity and kindness! I am especially excited as this is the first time that I have had my own room! To make it even better, the curtains are green--my favorite color! yay!! It has been interesting though, as the house is hardly more than a few yards away from a busy highway AND a train track! In fact, it is so close, that when trains pass by, you can practically feel it pass, not to mention hear it! :-)

By the way, here is a link for some pictures from before we left Brazil, that I added to my facebook:
I want to add some pictures from the last few weeks sometime too.

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