Thursday, November 22, 2012


Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, a time to give thanks for the many ways God has so freely blessed us!  With that said, here are a few things for which I am thankful:

Many of the small things like laughter, weekends, coffee, texting, music, and fall colors bring with them some of the simplest joys in life and make me smile. I think one really misses out on a lot in life if they cannot recognize blessings that some wrapped in papers called ‘ordinary’ and ‘familiar.’

Often, some things are not truly appreciated until they are no longer readily available at our fingertips. That includes the encouragement of godly friends who love the Lord, the time spent with a family who loves me, a wonderful boyfriend. These things can be taken away. I am so blessed to have all of these in my life!!

Perhaps the greatest level of thankfulness happens on the spiritual level, for blessings that are spiritual are the greatest blessings of all, are they not? What anticipation can compare to the hope of eternal life that I have through Christ? What greater physical treasure do I have in my possession than the inspired Word of God—God’s Message revealed to man? What other power should I desire to have controlling me than the indwelling presence of the Spirit? Who cares more about me than God Himself? What greater privilege do I have than to be among those called “the sons of God” and to have direct access to the Father through prayer? The list really could go on…and on…and on…for the spiritual blessings of the believer are endless. However, it really boils down to one thing: I am thankful to be “in Christ” through the blood of Christ shed on the cross for my sins.
Count your many blessings
name them one by one,
and it will surprise you
what the Lord hath done. 

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