Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Perhaps a new post will help with the appearance of my blog. So many times I will think of something to write about on this blog, but then when I actually sit down to try to do make my incredibly fleeting thoughts into something a bit more concrete, well, such thoughts usually then take wing and fly away, leaving me staring at my computer screen. When this happens, well, my list of drafts only grows longer. However, let me assure you that the lack of posts on this blog does not indicate that my life has been hoo-hum, "give me some variety please!" or void of noteworthy events. Not at all!

Over the past several weeks, theology class has been delving into the deep (and sometimes it seems like almost drowning!) waters of the subject of salvation. One cannot get into such the incredibly amazing subject of the believer's salvation without also facing some of the controversial aspects of it. At times I wish I could just believe like a child, not having to know and understand the reasons for everything. How I wish I didn't always having to think that everything needs to fit logically into a comprehensive picture that makes sense to me. It is hard to resist leaning heavily on my tendency to require everything to be in "Steps 1, 2, 3" fashion and rather to trust God in those areas that don't totally make sense to me and take it by faith. I frequently have to remind myself that God is not trying to play games with His children: He does want us to understand His Word and all that He has done for us! I am incredibly thankful for the guiding and illuminating work of the Spirit in me Who is slowly, but surely, helping me to understand God's Word and the incredible truths that It contains.

Chafer's Systematic Theology, Vol. 3 had an incredible statement about salvation:
"Salvation is more than the continued existence of a good man:
it provides the most radical transformation,
the acquiring of infinite possessions,
and the entering into positions which are in the sphere of heaven and of God.
'And ye are complete in Him!' (Col. 2:10)." (Page 234)

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