Monday, July 19, 2010

Coming a week!

Guess what?!?!?! In less than a week--on Saturday, to be exact--I will be leaving with the youth group from Medora Community Bible Church and heading to Chicago for week-long missions trip! No, I was not planning on going on this trip until only a few weeks ago, but yes, I am very excited about it! Please pray for this trip, as there are still lots of details to figure out...part of the teens will be working with a day-camp and the rest will be running a VBS! We will also be doing some personal evangelism and then holding a 3x3 basketball tournament on the 31st! While I might be able to help out with some of these things, my main responsibilities for the week will be making sure that all of these teens have food to eat (in other words, I'll be working in the kitchen). Yes, it is going to be one full week, and I can already imagine how I'll be feeling when I finally get back home on Monday, August 2nd: E.X.H.A.U.S.T.E.D., but it will all be worth it if it means spreading the Good News of the Gospel to those who don't know the Lord!

(when you think of it though, I would especially appreciate your prayers for me...while I am excited about it all, it will definitely be a stretching and learning experience for me. Last night at a meeting, Pr. Ron said that the motto for the missions trips has become, by default, "Roll with it!" because of how much plans always change and such, and for those of you who know me at all, my comfort zone is knowing exactly what is going on when, and where, and how, and what exactly I'm supposed to be doing, which is like the furthest thing from what will be the case next week! )

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