Wednesday, February 10, 2010

like the ocean waves...

woosh. . . splash. . .woosh. . . the waves crash onto the shore in a steady rhythm, one after the other. Sometimes they are huge walls of water, towering many feet into the air. Other times, they are so small that there is barely more than a big ripple in the water. Even so, no matter the size of the wave, they never stop, the water never runs out. Rather, independent of the time of day one visits the beach, of the most beautiful places on earth to be, one can always hear the familiar sound: woosh. . . woosh. . .woosh. . . one after the other. . . .

God's grace is like those waves. There is a never-ending supply of it. It is always there for us, whenever we need it. Isn't it wonderful to know that "My grace is sufficient"?

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