Saturday, January 30, 2010

In case you were wondering...yes, I am still alive!

Due to the great application called "statcounter", I have come to realize that I really do have a bigger audience than I have previously realized! I am ashamed to realize that my last post was literally months ago!

Right now I am at Cornerstone Bible Institute in Hot Springs, SD and am back into the full-swing of studies, after having a great three weeks of Christmas break. Although this break was rather different than any other Christmas I have ever had, it was good to be back with family, to have a change of scenery, and just have a lot of time to think about some important things going on in my life.

Let me share just a little something that has become exciting to me recently: the book of John. One of my classes this semester is this Gospel, and the other week, the entire class got together to read through the whole book in one evening while listening to it be read on audio. It is really amazing the difference it makes when reading through the whole book in such a short time as compared to over several weeks or months! What struck me as we progressed through the book was the reoccurring theme of belief/unbelief and how almost always it was mentioned in connection with some kind of sign or miracle that Jesus had done! And then there is the verse that says something like "These things were written that you might believe." Oh, I don't have time to go into all the exciting things that I have been learning about John , but it has just been awesome to dig a little deeper into this wonderful book and the message it has for us!

Until next time,

1 comment:

teresa's blog said...

so very lovely to hear from you again my dear friend! We must catch up again sometime! love ya!