Saturday, July 19, 2008

Are you reading this?

Yes, obviously you are reading this! :-) But guess what? I don't know that you're reading it (at least I haven't figured out a way to know who looks at my blog!) It feels kind of wierd to not know if I'm writing to dozens of people, or if I'm writing to myself. Probably most likely it is a little between the two extremes! Anyway, here is my suggestion for you: if you're reading this, please let me know that you do read my blog and leave me a comment. That way, if no one responds, I know I have a problem, and that I need to do some more "advertising" for my blog! :-) Thanks!!

Seeking to know Him, my Lord and Savior,


teresa's blog said...

You know I'm reading your blog :) And it's great! I love your blog and am so glad we've connected again!

Maria said...

hi Angie,
I just thought I would let you know that I am also reading your blog. Its fun to see what people are up to. I'm so excited to know you are planning on going to Connerstone. I think you will really enjoy it. Take care and keep blogging.

Hannah Ruth said...

Hi Angie! My name is Hannah Ruth Morrison. Toay was my first time to look at your blog. I don't think you know me, butI am a friend of Teresa Miller, and your blog was on her blogroll, so that is how come I was on your blog. I just read everything you have posted so far, and I think you sound pretty interesting from what I found out so far. If you want to meet me you can e-mail me at and I can tell you more about myself. For starters, in case you are wondering who in the world could I be and what am I like, I'll tell you a couple things. I am 15 years old, the oldest girl in a family of nine kids. I am a full-blooded American citizen, an MK in Mainland China and have grown up here all my life. I have also been to the U.S. four times. (I was actually born in the U.S. when my parents were back there for a family reunion, and saw China first when I was 2 months old.) I am home-schooled and our family is also in ATI --- that's where I met Teresa Miller. She was my COMMIT team leader in 2006 at the Indi. conference. I am, of course, a born again Christian and I love God with all my heart. I love to minister to those who are hurting and I also love children. When I was 7 years old,my birthfather, Bruce Morrison, went to be with Jesus, and when I was 10 my mother remarried to a Chinese guy. So my three youngest siblings are part Chinese blood but American citizens. Anyway, I think this is long enough, but if you want to be friends or anything like that, I'd be happy to hear from you and hear more about you and your family and all.
Because of His love
Hannah Ruth