Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Next Step. . .

Well, some of you are probably wondering what has happened in my life, especially everything involving my quest of a job. All I can say is that God works everything out for the best--every time! Some times it doesn't always seem like the best thing at the moment, but then other times, it works out how we think is the best. In my situation, God saw fit to allow me to re-take the functional capacity test and pass it! Not only did I achieve the required level 3 in my overall score of the various tasks I had to perform, but exceeded it by a whole point and a half! I can only say that it was of the Lord--especially when the lady who stepped me through it all said that because of my score, I would really to have to work hard in order to pass! She really didn't give me much hope to pass, and asked if I even wanted to proceed to take the test right then and there.

Needless to say, I really didn't want to spend days working out trying to build my strength, so I decided to go ahead and try, even though my chances of achieving the required level #3 were slim. My reasoning was that, if I still didn't pass, well then, perhaps that was God's was of telling me, the second time, that this job was not for me.

The result: As I already mentioned at the beginning of this note, I did pass the test, which in turn means that, upon taking the "drug test," I willl have the job! I am still baffled at the possibility of such a varience in the results of the tests; nonetheless, I am thankful for the way God worked this all out! It is wonderful to now be able to see a little clearer the next step that I am to take in this journey along the road called "life."



teresa's blog said...

Cheers! I'm SO excited for you! Sounds like it was maybe also a test in your trust in the Lord =) You passed that one too, which is even more exciting!

Angie Stanley said...

You know, I think you're right--this all probably was more of a test of my faith in God than it was anything else!