Sunday, January 25, 2009

Discontent? Who, me?

Wow! Are you surprised that I'm posting again already? Well, I wasn't really thinking I would post again so soon either, but. . . I just had to!

Sunday School this morning was really good--it was exactly what I was needing. You see, it was on the subject of discontentment. Lately, I've really been struggling with that--while I'm glad that I'm back in the US, things are just a lot different than they are back in Brazil. I've been complaining (in my heart) to God about all those things that are different and wishing that things would be different; that I could be back in Brazil, or even better, that I could have "the best of the two worlds." Those who have been around me recently probably haven't noticed anything, but those feelings were all there inside of me: I really was, in all honesty, discontent with where God has put me, for the place in my life that I am now, and just a lot of other things.

As the video session by Jim Berg that we're going through in Sunday School played, I began to realize the truth of what he was saying. My discontentment is a result of my unbelief of Who God is; I been allowing those many "if onlys . . ." to resound in my heart and to create a desire for something I don't have or a change of circumstances. Something he said that really stood out to me was that if God is enough for me, I won't be tempted to be discontented! That is, if I really, truly, and honestly believe that God is everything that I need, then no matter where I am, what I have, or who I am with, etc., I can always be content! I already have everything I need! And you know, he also pointed out that you really cannot be tempted by what you don't want or desire! Isn't that wonderful to know? Now, the only catch to it all is that I now need to live it out in my life!

Wanting to truly live out the truth that God is everything I need,


teresa's blog said...

thanks for once again pouring out your heart and being honest! It's so refreshing! Love ya!

Maria said...

Wow, what a challenge to everyone! Especially to me. No matter where we are in lifes journey I am sure there is at least one thing that everyone could think of that they wish they could change.