Saturday, September 20, 2008

Family Vacation--Branson, MO

Ok, so maybe that wasn't my last post before I leave for Texas.... I figured I had to at least post a few pictures of what I've been doing this last week, so here goes!

Eating supper the second night--we were able to stay at a resort right by a lake.

This is in front of the "Sight & Sound Theater" where we went to the "Noah the Musical" drama. Isn't this building incredible??

I love this picture with the lion and the lamb.... there was another one that had Jesus with the little children that I wanted to get a picture of, but didn't. :(

Just before it started--This was just a small part of the stage! The whole thing came around us on the two sides! It was amazing!! If you've never seen it, you really should! The most incredible part of it was how at the end, they then clearly gave the Gospel--linking how "as in the days of Noah, so it is now" and sharing how Jesus is the Only Door to Salvation!

Silver Dollar City--Melissa and Jared pulling themselves up to the top

Lost River ride--it was pretty fun, even though I did get soaked!

Ok, this ride was pretty extreme--we were spinning on this thing while going on a roller-coaster type rail that was only like a half-moon! Kind of scary!

I don't know what they did here, but this was all the straighter that we could stand! Crazy, huh? :)

Family picture

On the tram heading to the parking lot--I rather like this picture. :)

Totally soaked after the "American Plunge" (see next picture :D)

the great American Plunge Melissa convinced me to go on!!!

Pretty much tired out after a day of walking and going on rides!

A little shop at Silve Dollar City...It was amazing to see how many places clearly gave the Gospel, even in this day where you aren't allowed to hardly even mention God's name in public!

Waiting for "The Shepherd of the Hills" to wasn't as good as we thought it would be. :(

Finally, the view outside our dining room window.

Well, this is my final post before I leave, so may God bless each one of you!


teresa's blog said...

Hi! Miss you, friend! Looks like ya'll had a lot of fun on the MO trip (I know it was a long time ago!). We went to the Sight & Sound Theater in PA - it's totally amazing! Would love an EXCEL update sometime :) hint hint. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Looks like you guys had some fun while in Branson! Which one of the Branson hotels did you stay at? I want to be near the water.

Angie Stanley said...

actually, we stayed at the RCI in Kimberling City.