Monday, August 04, 2008

With Everything I have...or is it?

The other day, as I was doing my devotions in 2 Chronicles, my eyes fell on the following verses:
"And they entered into a convenant to seek the Lord God of their fathers with
all their heart and with all their soul. That whosoever would not seek the
Lord God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man
or woman." (2 Chronicles 15. 12-13)

Those verses, although talking about the Israelites, really stood out to me. While the Israelites don't have a history for always seeking the Lord, at that moment in time, they were joining together, and keeping each other accountable for seeking the Lord with their everything that they had! These Israelites really were serious about their relationship with God--even to the point of death!

Although this event occured in Old Testament times, why shouldn't we also do the same thing as this group of Israelites? Maybe we don't have to go around killing those who don't seek God (please don't!), but, I know for myself anyway, sometimes I take my relationship with God much to lightly. While I truly do want to seek God with all of my heart and with all of my soul, sometimes other things in life take priority and I forget about what should really be the all-time focus in life--God and my relationship with Him! Just imagine what it would be like to be held accountable to a committment to really seek God--not just 15 minutes each day half-heartedly reading the Bible, but rather, intentionally and continually, focusing on God's Word and applying it to my life! My whole life should revolve around loving God and seeking Him with everything that I have!
After I read these verses, I jotted this note: "Oh how lightly I take my Christian walk at times! Lord, make me to seek You with such a zeal as this!"


Hannah Ruth said...

Great thoughts! I've also been thinking these last few days about how seeking God should be the highest priority in my life, even before other "important things" I "need to do". it's so easy to just do the actions without the heart, especially when something else is on our mind our we are in a hurry to "get on to our work." I mean, really, seeking God IS our work --- Isn't that what we are to be living for. Like your blog title from Philipians says, 'That I may KNOW HIM!..."
May God bless each of us with a heart that truly puts Him FIRST! Thanks for posting again! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey there!! Great post! So true.... I love your site!!! Keep it up.... I will be returning :) Blessings...

Holly Pierpont

Kalani said...

I'm just a visitor. A thankful one too because this gave me a perfect verse to do with my accountability friend!
A sister in Christ,