Friday, April 04, 2008

Showers of blessing!

Thankfully, this year has proven to be a year with a little more rain than the previous few years. After several year with hardly enough rain to make the planted fields grow, much less fill the dry wells and rivers, this area of Brazil is in desperate need of a good rainy season! Today, when going to a nearby town to work on some more of my Brazilian documents, the river that we had to pass over was full and over-flowing! It is interesting to note though, how just a month or so ago, this same river was hardly more than a little stream! Last Monday, it also began to rain about 4:00 p.m., and it rained steadily until midnight or so! If our rain gauge is correct (which I think it is!) in that one afternoon/evening, we had more than 5 inches of rain!

Rains, however, are not the only blessings lately. Like I already mentioned, I have been working on trying to get my Brazilian documents before we go back to the U.S. To make a long story short, what I thought would take, in the least, several hours, just to start the process and fill out the forms, took hardly an hour! Better yet was the fact that I was able to leave with the document in my hands!

Due to some Mission business that my parents had to do in Fortaleza, we all went to Fortaleza last week. The highlight of that time was the opportunity to get together with some of the other MKs. It was such a blessing to be able to go to the Tapioqueiras (an outdoor restauraunt) for a "girls' outing" with one of my dearests friends!

Before signing off, I wanted to add a poem that I read recently while reading the book Goforth of China, by Rosalind Goforth. I think it accurately reflects the attitude that each one of us should have when it comes to serving the Lord.

And as the path of duty is made plain
May grace be given that I may walk therein.
Not like the hireling for his selfish gain,
Making a merit of his coward dread,
With backward glaces and reluctant tread,
But cheerful in the light around me thrown
Walking as if to pleassant pastures led.
Doing God's will as it if were my own,
Yet trusting not in mine, but in His strength alone.

Continuing to seek His face,

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